Supporting parents and carers of children and youth with ADHD, learning difficulties and co-existing conditions

Presenter Dr Mark Brandtman, Brandtman Educational Consulting
Topic: The ADHD Coach: maximizing outcomes across academic, social, employment & family environments
Date & Time: Thursday 18 August, 2022, 7pm – 9pm (6.45pm venue arrival)
Format: Hybrid: in-person (preferred) with zoom option

‘Pills don’t teach skills’, but an ADHD coach could be the solution you need if you struggle with time
management, organization, and self-esteem. Education on how to manage the condition is paramount if
you have ADHD. It is a condition that has enormous impact on academic, social, employment and
relationships outcomes. This talk will explore and explain these impacts and how you can better manage
it across all settings.

Mark will also provide some introductory comments about ADHD, symptoms and traits. There will be
plenty of time for questions and discussion.


Aug 18 2022


7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

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