Many Parents and carers across Australia have been speaking to our National Helpline because they are concerned about their young adults with ADHD and Vaping.
New research is underway and to date, the findings are not positive. Particularly with the celebrations, and school holidays comes more risk of access to dangerous activities including Vaping.
The ADHD Foundation conducted an online webinar to provide information for parents and anyone interested to learn more about the dangers of Vaping. If you missed this you may still be able to watch it.
For the recording, email the ADHD Foundation here:
Young people who vape nicotine are exposed to a toxic chemical that can harm adolescent brain development and lead to dependence. Presenting greater harm as the brain continues to develop until the age of 25.
Educating teenagers and young adults with ADHD and Vaping.
More research is needed. However, a comprehensive study was done in January 2018 by the Academies of Science, Technology, and Medicine.
It was concluded that it is dangerous and unsafe to inhale glycerin and propylene glycol.
Additionally, in 2009, the FDA tested several types of pre-filled vaping cartridges. They found traces of diethylene glycol, a toxin that is found in antifreeze.
A 2018 study of 56 e-cigarettes found the presence of toxic metals — including lead, nickel, and chromium — in the aerosol.
Though it’s been banned in Europe and shown to cause bronchiolitis obliterans, or “popcorn lung,” the chemical diacetyl is used by some e-cigarette manufacturers. Similarly, the chemical acetaldehyde, found in some e-cigarette smoke, is shown to damage the lining of the mouth, throat, and stomach.
The dangers of vaping, unlike tobacco, are not fully known — but early research is not promising.
What are Australian health organisations saying?
The Australian Medical Association (AMA), Cancer Council Australia and the Australian Council on Smoking and Health (ACOSH) have published positions on e-cigarettes, saying:
- There is insufficient evidence to promote the use of e-cigarettes for smoking cessation. There is increasing evidence of health harm.
- E-cigarettes may normalise the act of smoking and attract young people. E-cigarettes should be more properly regulated.
Read more on their official websites.