Changes to ADHD medication in Australia

changes to ADHD medication in australia

On Saturday 30th January 2021, Hon Greg Hunt delivered an announcement regarding changes to ADHD medication in Australia. This includes the removal of the age restriction of a long-acting ADHD medication as of 1st February 2021.

View the official announcement here.

This announcement was followed by various media coverage and an appearance on television congratulating this government initiative. The ADHD Foundation felt it was necessary to provide additional information about the changes to ADHD medication in Australia to our community. Therefore, we have developed this Q&A sheet from your questions to us.

It is likely that your prescriber/psychiatrist will already be able to answer these or any other questions that you might have. However, we thought it important to inform our community and in particular of the “retrospective” diagnosis that seems to not have been highlighted so far.

Please email us on if you would like a PDF copy of this information.

Download PDF Here

This information has been obtained from information supplied to us by Services Australia which administers the Medicare/PBS authorities and is created as a guide for the ADHD Community. Your prescriber/psychiatrist will be able to provide you with information relevant to your individual circumstances.

The Hon Greg Hunt has announced that he will retire from politics in 2022.